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Our News!

Shooting off to Sevenoaks!

The Wrinkly Editor

Our next stop on our Roadshow is The Dynes, Nightingale Road, Kemsing, Sevenoaks on the Friday 12th August 2016 from 11am to 4pm.

Are you retired and unsure of your entitlements?

Do you look after and concerned about older relatives?

How many times do you say - I don't know what to do, who to ask or where to go for information?

Do you often say I feel lost and don't know who to turn to?

Why not come along and see us, to see if any of these questions can be answered or just pop in for a cup of tea and slice of cake or just to say hello!


Wrinkly CIC isn't about AGE! it doesn't matter how old you are we can help.


The Oxford English Dictionary definition of a 


a clever innovation, or useful piece of information or advice.

"learning the wrinkles from someone more experienced saves time"

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Trading as “WrinklyCIC” is part for The Wrinkly Network Community Interest Company registered in England & Wales (Company No. 9934578)

© 2023 by Wrinkly CIC

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