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Our News!

Dementia Activities for Medway

The Wrinkly Editor

Rochester Cathedral and the surrounding Medway churches have organised a number of events and activities aimed at people with dementia and their carers,

All events are welcome to all (please book your space for the Cathedral Workshop)

Workshop at Rochester Cathedral, 20th March drop in from 1.00 to 3.00 pm

A workshop at the Cathedral with a local artist is offered to a small number of people affected by dementia, accompanied by a friend or family member.

This event is free of charge and refreshments will be provided, but it is essential places are booked in advance

(to book a place or to find out more). We hope this will be the first of many events in developing a dementia friendly welcome at the Cathedral. Let me know if you would like to receive information about future events.

Dementia Friendly Services at St Matthew’s Church Wigmore

South Gillingham Parish now offers a popular monthly service for people with dementia at:

St Matthew’s Church

Drewery Drive,


On the fourth Wednesday of each month.

After the service there is time for refreshments and conversation. Do you know people who used to attend church and struggle now with regular morning services? For more details contact Jean on 01634 387379

Dementia Memory Café and Carers Support Group, St Peter’s Rochester

Rochester Parish has established a popular Dementia Memory Café which is held at

St Peter’s Church

Delce Road


on the fourth Friday of each month from 1.30 to 3.30 pm.

They have also recently launched a

Carers Support Group on the third Tuesday of each month from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon in the same venue.


Wrinkly CIC isn't about AGE! it doesn't matter how old you are we can help.


The Oxford English Dictionary definition of a 


a clever innovation, or useful piece of information or advice.

"learning the wrinkles from someone more experienced saves time"

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Trading as “WrinklyCIC” is part for The Wrinkly Network Community Interest Company registered in England & Wales (Company No. 9934578)

© 2023 by Wrinkly CIC

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